Thursday, October 28, 2010

enough sleep

Teenagers do not have the same biorhythms as adults, and need a greater amount of sleep for a number of reasons. The adolescent is going through major pubescent changes with rapid growth and development. During sleep the body repairs, restores, and rebuilds that which is necessary to maintaining a healthy body. If the body is deprived of adequate and sufficient sleep then many of these functions cannot be performed, or performed properly.

Sleep deprivation has long been reported to contribute to emotional and mental changes as seen in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, among other behavioral changes. Whether the child is 7 or 17, the signs of sleep deprivation are very similar:
  • Difficulty getting up in the morning, may even sleep through alarm.
  • Irritability and crankiness
  • Predisposed to greater emotional outbursts
  • Inability to concentrate or focus at school
  • Falling asleep during the day
  • Complaining of fatigue or loss of energy
  • Poor motor coordination
  • Accident prone

Compare and contrast understanding and knowledge

At its lowest level, understanding is simply data conversion from one type of raw data into another. Our eyes understand types SE, ES, and TS data and convert that data into type EE, and TE data that travels as electricity down the optic nerve to the brain. This conversion requires energy and with the eyes some of the energy comes from the light energy itself much like a solar cell converts energy from the sun into electricity. The molecular shapes of the rod and cone cells in the retina of our eyes perform this data conversion under direction of DNA programmed procedural knowledge. Whether this conversion requires additional energy from cellular glucose conversion, above and beyond the energy from the light itself, remains to be seen.
The way our eyes understand data is by the physical structure and layout of the rod and cone cells in the retina of the eyeball. The fact that there are millions of these cells spread out over the space of the retina make it possible for them to detect type SE data. Each cell of the retina is a separate understanding engine that understands the position and intensity or color of the photons of light hitting that part of the retina. The procedural knowledge that makes the understanding possible is manifest in the physical structure of the cells of the retina. Each photon of light energy follows a particular step by step procedure in its conversion to electrons that travel down the optic nerve as type EE electrical data. It's an amazing process all controlled by procedural knowledge stored in our DNA sequences.
Looking again at an understandings need for energy you see a living brain burning glucose for energy in order to understand data or knowledge. With a computer you see it using electrical energy to run its central processor. In both cases there would be no understanding without energy.

Compare and contrast public schooling and homeschooling.

Even the Unites States Department of Education agrees. In one study which they sponsored themselves home schooled students produced exceptionally high test scores. The median scores in every grade were far higher than those of public schools and even higher than those of private school students. The average home schooled student in grades one through four was a grade level above that of public school peers and, by the time home schooled students reached the equivalent of the 8th grade, they were as much as four years ahead of students attending public school.
As if this were not enough, costs were also lower. On average, government schools spent $6,500 per student each year and private schools spent $3,500. By contrast, parents undertaking home schooling spent about $550 per student each year. This figure for home schooling does not of course take into account the time spent by parents on home schooling for which a public school teacher would be paid.
The public school system as we know it today evolved during the second half of the 19th century as one state after another made school attendance compulsory. Perhaps the most interesting question however, and one which rarely seems to be asked, is why, if public schooling offered such superior value, it was necessary for the states to make it compulsory and to force parents to put their children into the public school system.
It could be, and sometimes is, argue that this was due to the ignorance of rural parents who did not see the value of education. However, it is interesting to note that adult illiteracy rates in 1840 Massachusetts were a low 2% and that, by 1995, this figure had risen to 19%, in spite of apparently enormous advances in the intervening years. In 1840 libraries were rare and today they are everywhere as books are both relatively inexpensive and easy to trade.
Today over a million children are home schooled in the United States and thousands of home schooled students have attended colleges and universities, including many of the most prestigious and difficult to get into.
Whatever your own thoughts about home schooling vs public schooling there is no doubt that the results clearly show the advantage of home schooling.

Compare and contrast spicy foods and sweet foods

The tastes perceived by the tongue have the strongest and most noticeable impact:
·                   Sweet foods and sweet wines taste less sweet together. 
·                   Acidic foods and acidic wines seem less sour together.
Olfactory sensations and physical sensations interact in a similar, but more muted, fashion:
·                   Smoked or grilled foods and oaky wines seem less ‘woody’ together.
·                   Rich foods and full bodied wines feel less thick together.
  • Rich Chardonnay with rich butter-based sauces
  • Sweet-tart German Riesling with sweet and sour Asian sauces
  • Earthy Pinot Noir with earthy wild mushrooms

Compare and contrast foods you eat raw and foods that are cooked

Raw foods transform your life! I came to raw food because of unbearable toothache keeping me awake at night.
I never dreamt that eating raw plants would alter my brain! Raw foods give me so much brain focus that today I live a totally free life. I do what I love (writing) and I'll never again be a wage slave in a system that puts profit before people.
Factory food kills our earth. restore it to the blue jewel it truly is in the vast blackness of space. When you eat raw, you tread softly. Your carbon footprint is the lowest possible!
You owe it to yourself and to your children to test the raw food diet for two weeks – use this chart on next page. See for yourself why raw fooders are beaming!
A few people go raw overnight. The vast majority take at least a year. I took 15 years to reach 95% raw where I'm happy and comfortable. I go slow because I have no will-power. I reach for raw and the junk falls away at its own pace.
If you'd like to move quickly into raw foods, then  – wheatgrass and leafy greens juiced in a slow single-auger juicer. Green juice cleans out the toxins quicker, and rebuilds cells. It takes away cravings.
It's a magical journey! Every so often, something brand new happens. One day you discover you're not eating chocolate any more. You can't stand the taste. If you're a chocoholic

Compare and contrast dressing for a formal occasion and dressing informally

There are levels of formal and semi-formal. Those differences are typically derived from time of day. Evening weddings tend to be more formal. Religion plays a part also. Catholic and Jewish weddings tend to be very formal. Although, civil ceremonies could be casual to very formal.

Formality is first set through the invitation. This is how we convey the formality of the event to our guests. But, for the bride, formality is usually decided upon by the dress. If she wants a long beaded embroidered formal gown with veil and cathedral train, she wants a formal wedding. I would be silly to have a wedding in a park with a bbq for a reception and for the bride to be in a formal gown, huh?

Formality is also set with the wedding site. If the site is formal, the wedding should be also.

So, basically it is set by the gown (your guest wouldn't know this though), the time of day, and the location. Your guests would only guess the formality by the invitation, time of day, and location.

I decribed a formal gown for the bride. For a daytime formal wedding, grooms would wear cutaway coats, with gray striped slacks and waistcoats. For evenings they could wear the full dress tailcoats with matching slacks and white waistcoats.

Semi-formal is difficult to define. There are levels similar to formal, but it is even more difficult. This is what is most common. For daytime and evening the bride could wear a long dress with a less formal veil and train (for the day, she could choose a shorter dress and no train).

Grooms could wear strollers, the same slacks as for the formal wedding, and waistcoats for the day and tuxedos for the evening.

Compare and contrast cats and dogs

Here are some points for the dogs and cats:
You could point our that the similar qualities in these mammals are vast, however, the differences are just as enormous.
The similarities:
They both have fur.
They both were domesticated from wild animals and are now kept as pets.
They both shed.
They both bring love to humans.
Humans love to give both kinds of animals affection.
They both are used as therapy animals in nursing homes and hospitals to alleviate problems with health.
They both have a litter of more than one offspring at a time.
They both nurse their young.
They can be trained.
They both like to sleep with their owners.
Dogs live in a pack in the wild and cats live in a group as well called a pride.
Now what is different about them?
Dogs live in a pack in the wild and therefore need to be with the pack constantly. This is you.
Cats do live together although do not need to be with one another.
Dogs in the wild hunt in the pack. That is how they are able to take down their prey in numbers.
Cats usually hunt on their own.
Dogs want to work and have a job to do.
Cats want to sleep and be left alone.
Dogs want to sit on your lap and be petted for hours.
Many cats do not want to sit with you for very long and some do not like to be held at all.
Dogs are awake during the day.
Cats are up at night.
Dogs communicate with body language and their tails and barks.
Cats Meow but are not as aggressive with their body language.

Can you, without naming a quality, make your images suggest an idea or direct our attitude toward the things you describe?

yes it does to descripe your mindset and what your trying to tell the reader. ita a expression of  your purpose of your passage. My topic
Dr. C. George Boeree
Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York.  He was the first of seven children born to his parents, who themselves were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia.  His parents, hoping for the best for their children in the new world, pushed him hard for academic success.  Not surprisingly, he became very lonely as a boy, and found his refuge in books.
To satisfy his parents, he first studied law at the City College of New York (CCNY).  After three semesters, he transferred to Cornell, and then back to CCNY.  He married Bertha Goodman, his first cousin, against his parents wishes.  Abe and Bertha went on to have two daughters.
He and Bertha moved to Wisconsin so that he could attend the University of Wisconsin.  Here, he became interested in psychology, and his school work began to improve dramatically. He spent time there working with Harry Harlow, who is famous for his experiments with baby rhesus monkeys and attachment behavior.
He received his BA in 1930, his MA in 1931, and his PhD in 1934, all in psychology, all from the University of Wisconsin.  A year after graduation, he returned to New York to work with E. L. Thorndike at Columbia, where Maslow became interested in research on human sexuality.
He began teaching full time at Brooklyn College.  During this period of his life, he came into contact with the many European intellectuals that were immigrating to the US, and Brooklyn in particular, at that time -- people like Adler, Fromm, Horney, as well as several Gestalt and Freudian psychologists.
Maslow served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis from 1951 to 1969.  While there he met Kurt Goldstein, who had originated the idea of self-actualization in his famous book, The Organism (1934).  It was also here that he began his crusade for a humanistic psychology -- something ultimately much more important to him than his own theorizing.
He spend his final years in semi-retirement in California, until, on June 8 1970, he died of a heart attack after years of ill health.


Friday, October 22, 2010

DANGEROUS CLIMATE CHANGE publich health concern

Understanding the assumptions implicit in external definitions of dangerous climate
change and their implications for perceptions of danger is important for
developing a holistic understanding of climate risk management. Internal perceptions
of danger have been considerably under-researched in the area of climate
change. Yet the distinction between danger as an ‘objective’ measure and danger as
experienced is well established and well recognised in other public policy areas. In
the analysis of the causes and consequences of famine, for example, both external
and internal definitions are recognised – external definitions are often related to
food availability while internal definitions relate to perceptions of danger which
trigger displacement migration or other extreme coping behaviour (de Waal, 1989;
Devereaux, 1993). Similarly, in identifying poverty as the basis for social welfare
policy, material aspects of poverty are easily quantified to externally define a
poverty line, whereas marginalisation and social exclusion derive from how poverty
is actually experienced (Townsend, 1962; Blackwood and Lynch, 1994). Comparable
distinctions are also made in various areas of public health (Woodward,
2002). In these other areas of societal concern the emphasis on external or internal
definitions of risk and danger leads to widely divergent public policy responses.
Methods that can be applied to elicit individual or societal perceptions of risk and
dangerous climate change include revealed preference and psychometric studies.
The interplay between internal and external definitions can be examined using the
social amplification of risk framework and participatory integrated assessment.

Teen Smoking

Lately a problem has occurred with teen smoking. The number of teens who smoke has dramatically risen over the past years. This is a problem because smoking causes big health risks that lead to problems and diseases that can kill you. Teens are mainly smoking when there is no supervision. It usually occurs in the parks, under bridges, and in town away from their parents. They are usually doing it because of peer pressure and they think it is cool. Those are the reasons why smoking is bad, and why, when and where their doing it. One of my solutions to stop smoking is by educating the teens and their parents. Schools could have after school classes that tell the hazards of smoking. In the classes they could talk about is how bad smoking is to your health. They could also show the parents some visuals showing how smoking ages your skin and yellows your teeth. In the classes they could also show or tell the parents what will happen to their kids if they do not stop smoking. This would hopefully convince them to stop buying cigarettes for their kids. It would also be important to teach both the students and parents about the health risks/ problems and diseases smoking can cause such as cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. Finally you could have motivational speakers come in and talk to the parents and teens. They could talk to the families about alternatives to smoking and share their experiences. That would be my first step to end teen smoking. My second solution on how to stop smoking is by stopping the media that supports smoking. First, we could stop magazine ads. I think stopping magazine ads would be a good idea because teens are always reading magazines and seeing the pictures in them. If you do not have the ads in print, the “glamour” of smoking would be lessened. Next, we could get rid of clothing that promotes cigarettes or smoking. It would be a good idea because teens are always having to deal with peer pressure. So, if it is not on the market or in stores, teens will not think of it as being “cool”. Lastly, we could stop advertising smoking on television and in movies. One reason why, you should stop having actors/actresses advertise smoking because teens look up to them and want to be like them. Also, kids and teens are always watching television and movies. That would be my second step in stopping teen smoking. If I was having to begin today with stopping smoking by teenagers I would begin by stopping the media that supports smoking. One reason why I think this is the best idea is because teens or kids are always seeing these

math is a reguired subject

Mathematics is found everywhere in life and work and auto racing isno exception. There are many applications of math in racing.The purpose of racing is to win and in order to do that there must be a lot of math involved. If you don't use math and use it correctly then you will not win.Mathematics is involved in racing in two ways, the car setup and scoring an measurements. The car setup involves tire pressure, down force, wedge, aerodynamic Drag, camber, track bar and valance. The scoring system also uses math.In addition to scoring math is also used to measure different racing relatedsubjects such as car weight, gas mileage time interval, qualifying, and the track characteristics. Tire pressure is used as a setup tool that is akin to adjusting spring rates inthe vehicles suspension.
Increasing the air pressure in the tires raises the spring rate in the tire itself and changes the vehicles handling characteristics. In order foroptimal performance the teams must know the proper p.s.i ( Pressure per square inch)for a certain tire on a certain track for a certain air temperature. Math is also used in measuring the "downforce." Downforce is the air pressure traveling over the surface of the car. This air pushes the car downwards which createsthe term downforce. The greater the psi the greater the downforce which creates bettertire grip for higher speeds through turns.
Wedge is another racing term that relies on math. Wedge refers to the relationship from corner to corner of the weight of the car. The weight on any corner of the vehicle affects the weight of the other three corners in direct proportion. The wedge determineshow the car handles by either stiffening the wedge or loosening it up. Aerodynamic drag is another math related racing factor.
A number that is a coefficient of several factors indicates how well a car will travel through the air is theaerodynamic drag. Teams use specific tests to determine how to achieve the least amount of drag on the car in order to obtain the fastest speed possible. Math is involved in the camber of a tire which is also very critical in creating the fastest car possible. Camber is the angle at which a tire makes contact with the track surface. The camber varies from tire to tire depending on which tire it is in order to achieve the fastest and best handling car possible.Math is also prevalent when dealing with a cars track bar. The track bar locatesthe vehicles rear end housing from left to right underneath it. In calibrating the vehicles "suspension geometry" by raising or lowering the track bar a team is able to changethe rear roll center which determines how well the car will handle in turns. Determiningthe proper angle of the track bar a team controls the car. A cars valance also involves using math.A cars valance is the panel that extendsbelow the front bumper, also known as a front air dam. The amount of clearance between the valance and the ground directly affects the amount of front downforce the vehicle creates. The lower the valance the greater the downforce. The teams must use math in order to determine the distance the valance is to the ground and the amount of downforce it creates for the best possible performance. In addition to the setup of a car math is also used in auto racing in order to score and determine racing related measurements.Math is used in the scoring or points system of auto racing. The points system in NASCAR uses math in order distribute points to the drivers and teams. The winner receives 175 points and from there the points given decline in five point increments for places two through six. Points awarded then drop four points per driver for positions seven through eleven and then three points per driver from there on out. Divers who lead at least one lap receive five bonus points and the driver who leads the most points in a race receives ten bonus points. Math is used in another simple but important aspect of racing, the car's weight.There are important reasons for having certain weight distributions.

choose particular foods they eat

Eating is an activity that we as humans do at least two times a day. We live in a world where the variety of food is immense, and we are responsible for what we eat. We decide what we are about to eat and how it will affect our bodies. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between eating fresh foods instead of canned foods. The three main differences are flavor, health benefits, and cost.
The most notable difference between these two kinds of foods is their flavor. Fresh foods have great flavor and taste because they keep all their natural conditions. Canned foods however, lack a lot of its flavor characteristics because there are some other chemical products added to the natural foods. It is logical that the fresh foods will have a greater taste and flavor when consumed just because of the time in which they have been prepared.
Comparing both types of foods we notice another difference. There is a health factor that affects both of them. Canned foods lose some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also it has to be tinned with many conservatives and chemical factors that prolong the shelf life and apparent freshness of the food but could also become toxic if consumed too often.
Yet another difference between these two types of foods is the cost. Canned foods are much more expensive than fresh foods. Here the benefit of buying tinned foods is that they are easier to find, for example, in a supermarket instead of the market like the fresh foods, and they require less work to prepare than fresh foods, just open and serve.
Here are the main three differences between buying fresh foods and buying canned foods. As we can see it comes down to a personal choice, based on the time each person has, the money and the importance he/she gives to his/her nutrition and health. Therefore it is important that you consider your possibilities and choose the best type of foods for your convenience and lifestyle.

change of plans becomes necessary

Today modern industrial plants have built in automatic inventory systems, which order materials such as bearings and other mechanical replacements well in advance.
We believe it is now possible to achieve a society where people would be able to live longer, healthier, and more meaningful productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based upon the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. Although many of the concepts presented here may appear as unattainable goals, all of the ideas are based upon known scientific principles. It is not my purpose to write an article that would be acceptable to people this is not the concern of science.
The social direction being proposed here has no parallel in history with any other previous political ideology or economic strategy. Establishing the parameters of this new civilization will require transcending many of the traditions, values, and methods of the past. The future will evolve its own new paradigms, appropriate to each successive phase of human and technological development.
Throughout the history of civilization few national leaders or politicians have ever proposed a comprehensive plan to improve the lives of all people under their jurisdiction. Although such individuals as Plato, Edward Bellamy, H.G. Wells, Karl Marx, and Howard Scott all made some attempts to present a new civilization, the established social order considered them impractical dreamers with Utopian designs that ran contrary to the innate elements of human nature. Arrayed against these social pioneers was a formidable status quo composed of vested interests that were comfortable with the way things were, and a populace at large that, out of years of indoctrination and conditioning, wanted no radical changes. These were the millions of unappointed guardians of the status quo. The outlook and philosophy of the leaders were consistent with their positions of differential advantage.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The purpuse of internet

In this day and age, the Internet is the new resource tool for the masses. It has changed the way we live in society and the way people interact with each other. As more and more people log on the Internet, it has undoubtedly changed the way people think and feel about each other and the world around us. When we begin to look at the ways it has changed society, we can clearly see many reasons to its assimilation into modern life. First, it has given people a new way to communicate, through E-mail and web cams. Secondly, it is a sort of modern library where anything imaginable can be researched, and finally, not only in the virtual sense has it changed the world but also in the physical sense.
Millions of jobs have been created by way of the Internet, the economy and the way people purchase thing has also changed. Because of these reasons, the Internet has become a staple in society and will continue to influence our lives in a productive way.

The world today is in a high point when it comes to the economy, not only of the United States but of almost every first or second world country due in part by the Internet. The Internet serves a different purpose to every user, but to a country as a whole it serves the purpose of a great. The Internet in a virtual sense is something that, after its introduction into mainstream society, can not be taken away from the people. It is a place where information can be found on any topic that one needs answers to. Research is a key element to the

Internet and why it is so important to our society. It has completely changed the way we think and feel as a society. If everything is on the Internet, then why go someplace else? That is the question most people ask themselves and that very mentality has helped to boost its popularity and vastness. Nothing will ever be looked at the same as before the Internet. Even the way we shop has changed with such advents like Ebay, and From books to mustard, it is all right on your home PC. These web sites are just a small portion of what the Internet has to offer by way of the Internet.

Ideal Vacation

My Ideal Vacation is very cool. i plan to pack up 5 to 7 weeks for clothes and other. i plan to kick a plane to hawii and spend a least a month there for a vacation. i would love to meet a great gentalmen out there that has all the connections to the hottest   areas in hawii. so i can get into the vip even thought i am on a vacation. i love to enjoy going to the beach while im on vacation with a myself for independ time or a gentalman who can lay back amd chill and just experience this vacation with me. with a happy, funny real mutural experience.


Obesity has become a large and dark reality since capitalization. I will use the tools of the sociological imagination template, Is analyzing it as a risk issue in children and adolescents by employing historical factors, cultural factors, structural factors and lastly critiquing it. These four features will then help provide a holistic analysis of this major issue from a sociological angle.The World Health Organisation recognizes obesity as a disease that has spread globally over the last 25 years approximately.
It has only become a major issue in recent times, due to its rise and frequency in adults as well as children. The issue of being overweight has specifically risen since major fast-food restaurant franchises became incorporated and rapidly started expanding on a global level. In relatively recent history, being overweight has been looked down upon as a character flaw and as a source of amusement through social ridicule; but this has not always been the case. Large people in a lot of cultures and in different time periods have been viewed as symbols of prosperity and wealth.
This last perception of the correlation between wealth and prosperity with obesity is not surprising; as the majority of the population at that time were unaware of the health risks and believed being large meant you were well-fed and rich enough to afford the same. Currently, in some African cultures – obesity is still looked upon as a sign of being prosperous and not a victim of malnutrition. This perception exists in a few tribes wherein food is scarce and hence being overweight gives rise to the old perception of prosperity.
Insurance companies since the 1940s have noticed a definite link between being overweight and shorter life spans. In 1996, the Body Mass Index was introduced wherein the classification and typologies of being obese was explored. The BMI classifies people on the basis of age, sex and height to measure levels of obesity. Currently 20-25% of children and adolescents in Australia are obese wherein 4.9% of boys and 5.4% of girls are obese. According to a research carried out by the WHO, a significant number of subjects reported a family history of hypertension (8.0%), obesity (5.4%), diabetes (3.3%) and stroke (1.4%), with 14.6% of participants reporting any of these NCDs.

Intersts Background

 the interste background is The acquisition of allies is central to enhancing the power of oppressed groups. Leaders of the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa devoted considerable effort to developing allies among the leaders of other African nations, as well as among many other influential groups in the UN, the Commonwealth, and the various industrial nations with economic ties to South Africa. There is little doubt that the allies they developed played a crucial role in bringing about the ending of the apartheid system and the formation of a new government with Nelson Mandela as President and the ANC as the dominant political party. Their allies did this by bringing sufficient economic, political, and moral pressure upon the apartheid government to convince the economic leaders of the country that a change was necessary if they were to avoid an economic disaster.
Unfortunately, sometimes oppressed groups do not sufficiently realize the important potential for allies among other oppressed groups. They may narrowly define their interests as overcoming the injustices which they are experiencing and not be concerned with those being suffered by other oppressed groups. In the United States, for example, there is not an effective working coalition among such oppressed groups as blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, the disabled, the poor, and the elderly because these separate groups do not define their interests inclusively. While every group has to be for itself, when it is also for others, it becomes stronger from the support it receives.

outdoor living

We take it for granted that our houses are divided into rooms, but the concept of having similar "outdoor living spaces" may sound odd, at first. Indeed, the biggest obstacle standing in most people's way is that it just doesn't occur to them to divide up a yard so as to maximize their enjoyment of it. Not consciously, at least. Yet the more conscious we become of outdoor living spaces, the more we can tailor them to suit our needs.
You have a lot of leeway in your use of these building blocks. For example, the building blocks for a "wall" (hedges, fences, etc.) are interchangeable parts that you can mix and match with, depending on your needs, budget and personality. Hedges may form two of your four walls, fencing the other two. If complete screening isn't required, you can also define outdoor living spaces with lower vertical elements that may be more attractive/functional. For instance, raised beds, container gardens and furniture. Creating outdoor living spaces isn’t a one-size-fits-all project.
A "ceiling" is optional for many outdoor living spaces, although it does create an added sense of enclosure that you may crave. Ceilings are necessary only for areas where staying dry/cool is a must.
By default, all projected outdoor living spaces already have "floors." The only question will be, "Does the current floor do the best job of meeting my needs?" For example, maintenance is always a consideration, and you may decide, upon further reflection, that a grassy area you've been treading upon for years isn't worth the upkeep (mowing).

what is your all time favorite movie and why?

My all time favorite movie is superstar. the movie superstar is a little Orphan named Mary Katherine Gallagher, an ugly duckling at St. Monica High School, has a dream: to be kissed soulfully. She decides she can realize this dream if she becomes a superstar, so her prayers, her fantasies, and her conversations with her only friend focus on achieving super-stardom. Her big chance is a school talent contest; her main competition is Evian, the school beauty, who is dancing with Sky, the object of Mary Katherine's kiss dream. Mary Katherine gets some talent-show help from her fellow special education students, her grandma, and Jesus, and inspiration from secrets in her past. Watching are Sky Evian, and a silent classmate. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The time I was totally happy

On January 26, 2008 was a time I was totally happy, because on that day I had graduated from warren lane elementary. I received three awards for History and Science. It was a bright sunny day, I woke up excited, silly and joyful to be graduating middle school because I would be the 2nd person out of my family generation to graduated middle school with complete A’s with a 4.00 GPA and the high class rink. That day was amazing because all my family gathered together to see me move forward to my future. They brought me candy, money and flowers. That was a day I thought I would never see come possible. Most of my family drop out of school or got pregnant. My family was so proud of me finishing middle school. Some saw the best in me, when I didn’t see the best of me. I was very proud of all my accomplishments, hard work and citizen ship for all I have done. That was the time I was totally happy.

Good habits improve our physical, emotional and financial health.

One of my habits is exercising daily at 7; 30.  My family and me improve our physical health by working out to a work out DVD, then begin to exercise are muscles. Improving our physical health is very important in my family. Many of us don’t want to be overly bigger than are average weight for our height.
I am longer than my average weight for height, my average weight suppose to be 130 because my height is 5’2 but I weight 150 I am overly larger than I what I should be. I am larger than my average weight because I chosen to eat junk food instead of Healthy foods. Before I could overcome a problem, I must admit there is a problem and understand the reason for its existence. Many people, when confronted with issue or anxiety, either deny its existence or fail to adequately investigate the reason its existence.
As to the first issue of denial, very few people think they have no fear regarding their health. Without exception beginning people are very conscious and aware of their fears, but they don’t know why they are afraid. Running, jumping and walking is an activity that involves mental and physical skills. Without the practical experience, there can be little behavior change.
You can visualize, think, and dream all you want that you can ride a surfboard. But it’s the practical, hands on experience that enables you to paddle out, stroke just enough to match the speed of the wave, stand up, and trim position as you ride the swell onto the beach. So come on get involved and exercise daily. Work on your health, which will lead you not into cancer, because of physical outside appearance. Work on your emotional health because we all know when you know you look good you feel good.
The more you eat healthy foods the less money you have to spend on fatty foods or fast process food which leads you  into bankrupt, because you deiced to pay for some fast process food instead of buying some healthy food that can improve your weight loss. Everyone experiences some degree of frightens when it comes to their weight, and physical appearance before, and during. 
There is not one person in your appearance that would not feel some frightens if she or he were in your place, so take heart. You are not alone we in this together. Practice is one of the most important factors in confident of your health there is no substitute for actually practicing your physical health. The more experience you have working out, the less likely you are to be frighten by your health the more you do it, the less frightening it is.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today there or more and more reality show on television, the show make good television.

Today their or more and more reality show on television, the show makes good
television and bad television shows. Many television shows have negative
influence on younger audience, screaming, fighting, and destroying each other
values, The Bad Girls Club is an example of the things I listed above. Making a
bad communication to each person, they describe each other and a negative way.
They hit. Destroy emotional, and hurt each other verbally. They call themselves
bad girls because of their history within their life. Drugs, illegal, were
making bad choices within their lives. Which is not a good television show for
younger audiences to seek and grow up in life with a negative influence. The
show has a negative effect on the audience. 
The house of pyne is a show that shows how it is to be a Christian and the
problems they face daily. And how to fits their problems and make something good out of
negativity. It is a show that inspires younger audience for the better to help
them become all that they need to be in life while going through problems while
being a Christian.
It shows many things ordinary people face daily. They do
things to help and save others lives daily to help others. The Dora show is a
good reality show that helps k-5 graders learns about math, English and history.
Build and help every one be better and do better. It is to influence others.
There are many different shows on the television that are great influences and
bad influences. But many times when people put things on television they have to
remember they have a younger crowed watching them and the things they say can
and will affect of effect them. They emotions are a expressing of a feeling to
each which the shows display every day. Weather its positive or negative there’s always someone watching, maybe even a
relative so what they are saying is begin watched from all over the world. It
could be a good thing or a bad then. Many times when the shows display something
on the television show that was not supposed to be capture, it makes the
characters look a certain was which is not always a great thing.
I realized not ever thing the producers but on display is not always true or a
fact its most likely a option. The producers try to display the character as
something or someone there not. Which is called a twisted. Many producers put
their character in a place of a twisted like their voice, action or movement,
which they capture.
 The producers twisted the television shows so it can get more viewers. The more
viewers the more the television show gets honored the best and they get some
money. The producers are just using the characters for the viewers and fame.
The more people sign up for reality shows the more their putting their
self-image displayed as a negative influence. Many times the characters are
positive through out the show but the producers, make it seem as if they are the
most negative influence as a person.  But there are also good television shows
that have good affect on the younger audience.
Many youngsters learn a lot from television shows. My cousin learned her
Spanish, English and some math problems on the television shows. She created her
vocabulary with in a month, its rally a great shows to watch. Many young people
can learn from each other experiences. Many people face different challenges in
their life but many times they over come it and help others do the same for
everybody. So know every audience has a brighter future with or without the
television shows which is a amazing way to grow up. You can always gain common
sense from the characters actions.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Haiku Poem

In the sky are clouds
sky turns yellow, red, white, orange
The clouds move left, right
 The clouds pure out rain
The ran falls fast onto earth
People play in rain
Singing shouting onto earth
Mother Nature calls out rain
Lighting rips the sky
 Anger flow through the sky
The hearts beats hard inside bodies
Bleeding in half
 Rain fog slowly moves
People scared of the unknown
Thinking of new things
Hiding place to place
Thinking of ways to escape
The thundering clouds
 Many fall from others
Losing children family
Crying falling tears
 Weeping of pain hurt
Lost in the world, thundering
Seeing the winter
Dying of my soul
With praise in advance loving
Peer out of my soul
 Glory to the Lord
Giving the understanding
Though tribulations.