Invest in your own community by eating, shopping, and spending locally. Most new jobs are provided by local businesses and it reduces environmental impact. Non-profits receive greater support from local businesses too.
Reuse. Failing that, Recycle anything with the recycle label. Other things such as paper, cardboard, plastic, and so much more is also recyclable! You can also reuse things, such as refilling a plastic water bottle instead of getting a new one.
Do not litter... anything!
Save Energy. The more you cut back, the less fossil fuels are burned which not only give off CO2 its limited. Try turning lights off or lowering the house temperature by one, it also saves you money!
Don't drive unless necessary.
Have a compostor in your back yard. Its great for throwing out egg shells, banana peels, and other fruits. It'll keep the dumps lower and cleaner and make your garden very healthy
Don't smoke. Not only is smoking bad for you, it's bad for everyone around you. This is called second-hand smoking. Many people avoid this fact, but the smoke from cigarettes put pollution into the air. Smoking isn't good for anything!
Be nice and helpful to people. For example, if someone is carrying groceries to their car and they drop a bag, help them by picking up the groceries and loading them back into the bag. The simple things like that are very much appreciated by anyone!
Do not contribute to animal abuse! There are factories that do "animal testings" that are very harmful to animals! Many products (shampoos, lotions, body products, medicines, etc.) do animal testings by testing their products on animals. If a product does not have a "No animal testing" label, chances are they could be testing that product on animals. Do not abuse an animal in any way, and if you know someone who does, report it immediately! (Do not contribute to any abuse! Since any kind of abuse should be illegal, animal abuse is the number one abu
Give to the needy. So many kids and adults as well, are living poor all over the world! You can help them by donating new, old (but in fair condition) or unwanted goods such as clothes, food, toys, and anything else needed! It all pays off in the long run!se since animal testing factories aren't illegal.)
Conserve as much as possible. Again, the simplest stuff like taking one shower a day (unless it's necessary for another), and never letting the water run while brushing your teeth helps a lot! Buy the new high energy-saving light bulbs! They last years longer and cost more than half less a month than ordinary light bulbs!
Do what you say. Mean what you say.
Enjoy your Life and make it more enjoyable with these steps.
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